Opis: Sovetsky Khudozhnik pulishers, Moscow 1984, duży format format 29 x 41.5 cm, stan bdb, ISBN Najbardziej reprezentatywny zbiór radzieckich plakatów politycznych jest przechowywany w bibliotece Lenina w Moskwie. Obecny album, który jest oparty na tej kolekcji, składa się z 183 kolorowch reprodukcji w dużym formacie The most representative collection of Soviet political posters is kept in the Lenin Library in Moscow. The present album, which is based on this collection, comprises 183 full-colour plates of the best posters produced by prominent Soviet artists from the first post-revolutionary period and the twenties /Deni, Moor and Mayakovsky/, through the thirties, forties and fifties ,/Cheremnykh, Strakhov, Koretsky, Toidze/, to our days /Savostiuk, Uspensky, Tsvik, and many others/. in the foreword a particular emphasis lays on the close ties connecting this militant art with the current trends and realities of social life. In the introductory article the trends prevailing in the development of the Soviet political poster are analysed. The reference part includes an index of the artists and their works, biographical notes and bibliography. Reproduced in this section are posters contributed by Soviet artists in the 1920s, 30s and 40s. These posters, which are a valuable part of the Soviet artistic legacy, stand out for their widely diverse subject-matter and style. They were of great importance in the struggle waged by the Soviet Communist Party to establish and strengthen the Soviet system, in the building of socialism and in the people's fight against fascism at the time of the Second World War. This section presents posters contributed by Soviet artists in the pest-war years, in the 1960s and 70s, and in our own time, Throughout that period, too, posters rrad an important part to play-In the country's social life. Readers will see posters authored by the veterans, by the middle generation and by the younger artists