Opis: BOOKCLUB ASSOCIATES LONDON 1981, 216stron, stan db+/bdb- ISBN The Book of Colour Photography is directed at every camera owner. It is a complete guide to taking good colour pictures —practical, easy to follow, and stimulating to complete beginners or accomplished amateurs alike. The Book of Colour Photography looks first at creative colour photography today, and the intriguing history of the colour image. It then shows you how to choose the right camera for your photography — 35 mm, SLR, TLR, Instant Picture, or Pocket —and the right equipment and films. Next it explains the different qualities of colour, showing howyou can use their powerful language in your pictures. The Book of Colour Photography gives majorcoverage to the basic practicalities of taking photographs, and to getting the best out of yoursubject-whateveryou choose to photograph there is aformula herefordoing it well. Finally itgives a step-by-step guide to processing and printing, with experimental effects for the adventurous, and detailsof specialized equipment and techniques. The Book of Colour Photography is up to date, taking intoaccountthe latest advances in cameras and films. This is the book that really shows you how to get the best results. Adrian Bailey is highly regarded in many fields as writer, artist and photographer. His first darkroom was a coal cellar under a pavement, which he shared with the editor of a photo magazine. He later worked as a photographic printer in Fleet Street, before becoming assistant to one of London's best known commercial photographers, Adrian Flowers. More recently, Adrian Bailey has worked for many prominent magazines as a photo-journalist, writing articles on wine and food, and also on travel, in Europe, the Middle East, India, Japan, and the United States. The Book of Colour Photography is the second photography book on which he has collaborated, the first being with John Hedgecoe on the international bestseller The Book of Photography. Adrian Holloway has been teaching photography to adults and young people for 1 3 years. At present he is Senior Lecturer in Photography at Harrow College of Art. He learned his photography in the Royal Air Force, both on the ground and in the air. On leaving the Service he was a professional photographer for six years specializing in work for technical publications, in high speed photography and photo-micrography for scientific purposes, and in commercial photography for advertising and publicity. For many years he has written for photographic journals; he also contributed to The Book of Photography and The Photographer's Handbook. Each year morę people take up photography, and each year further advances are madę in the sophisti-cation of film and cameras. But while technology may provide the equipment, only expert guidance can show you how to use it well. The Book of Colour Photography contains the expert guidance you need. Designed for ease of use and accessibility, it covers the subject comprehensively —from choosing film to macrophotography, from interpreting landscape to develop-ing a colour print —and shows you how to produce successful results with every kind of subject, and with all types of cameras and equipment. With over 700 illustrations, every photograph in colour, and easy-to-follow recipes for taking the pic-tures, this is the essential reference work for every camera owner.