Opis: APPLIED SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD LONDON 1973 stan bdb- (podniszczona lekko okładka, nieaktualna pieczątka) ISBN 0 85334 553 8 As the needs of the scientist become more exacting, laboratory planning is developingintoacomplex and specialised field. Despite the greater attention being given to the design and construction of laboratories, mistakes seem always to occur. In an effort to eliminate these defects in future buildings, laboratory managers, scientists, architects and all concerned with the planning of academic and industrial laboratories should become more conversant with the subject. This book is intended as a guide for people who are planning chemistry and physics research laboratories. It deals with the importance of effective communication between client and architect, the value of preliminary planning, and the role of the project officer; it discusses the size and layout of individual laboratories, the design of laboratory fittings and services, fire and safety precautions, and the many things to be considered in the design and layout of the building. Some of the items mentioned are the adoption of a basic laboratory module, the size and location of offices for the scientists, windowless laboratories, the design of fume cupboards and the necessity for vertical discharge of the fumes, the storage of flammable solvents, the problems associated with the air-conditioning of laboratories, and the design of cold rooms. The book includes descriptions and technical details of a number of laboratories already built in Australia, Europe, and the United States— some of which will be of particular interest to every reader.