Opis: LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON 1891 , str ok 400 stan db+ (podniszczona okładka, nieaktualne pieczątki) CONTENTS. President's Opening Remarks On the Constitution of the Royal Ordnance Factories. By Dr. Wm Anderson, F.R.S. On the Measurement of the Velocity of Projectiles. By Captain H. C. L, Holden On the Manufacture of Continuous Sheets of Malleable Iron and Steel direct from Fluid Metal. By Sir Henry Bessemer, F.R.S. On Illustrations of Progress in Materials for Shipbuilding and Englnee ring at the Royal Naval Exhibition. By W. H. White, C.B., F.R.S, On the Forging Press. By W. D. Allen On an Undescribed Phenomenon in the Fusion of Mild Steel. By F. J. R, Carulla On the Elimination of Sulphur from Pig Iron. By Joseph Massenez On the Metallurgic Department of the Sheffield Technical School. By B. H. Tuwaite APPENDIX. Visit to the Royal Arsenal Annual Dinner Obituary— Duke of Devonshire George Dyson On Wiborgh's Improved Pyrometer NOTES ON THE PROGRESS OF THE HOME AND FOREIGN IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES. SECTION II.—1891. IRON ORES. I—OCCURRENCE AND COMPOSITION. Origin of Iron Ores Spanish Iron Ores* The Iron Ores of New South Wales Ontario Magnetites Iron Ore in British Columbia Iron Ore in California . Fayalite from Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado The Iron Ore Deposits at Pilot Knob Geological Age of the Franklinite Ore-Bed . The Brown Iron Orb of the Southern United States The Western Iron Ore Belt of Tennessee Iron Ore in Virginia The Longdale Iron Mines in Virginia Magnetite Ore Districts in Brazil Native Iron of Terrestrial Oriqin Natural Nickel Iron Recent Researches on Meteorites Iron and Manganese Ores in the Caucasus Manganese Ore from Ilmenau The Manganese Ores of the Eastern Hunsruck Swedish Manganese Ore Manganese Ore in Arkansas The Manganese Ore Deposit of Crimora Nickel Ore and Chrome Iron Ore in New Caledonia Chromite in California . II.—IRON-ORE MINING. Iron Ore Mining in the Siegen District The Lumpsey Iron Ore Mine The Use of Rock Drills Electric Percussive Rock Drills Electric Diamond Drill Hydraulic Rock Drill The Use of Explosives in Swedish Mines Wire Ropeways An Iron Ore Waggon III.—MECHANICAL PREPARATION. Magnetic Concentration of Iron Ore Concentration of Iron Ore in the United States IV—METALLURGICAL PREPARATION. Roasting Kiln for Iron Ores Conveyor for Hot Ores from Roasting Furnaces REFRACTORY MATERIALS. Fire-Brick Manufacture in Russia Bauxite from Heroult Swedish Limestones and Dolomites Chrome Iron Ore from Lower Silesia KlESELGUHR FlRE-BRICKS Formation of Graphite Graphite Mining in Bavaria raphite Mining in Ceylon he Graphite Industry of the United States PIT EL. I.—CALORIFIC VALUE. The Colorimetric Value of Coal The Calorific Power of Fuel II.—COAL. Composition of Fuels The Chemistry of Coal The Spontaneous Ignition of Coal The Formation of Lignite The Kbnt Coalfield The Commentry Coal-Basin The Coalfield of Rhenish Westphalia The Coalfield of the Saar District The Coalfields of Upper Silesia Coal and Iron in Bosnia The Calaf Coalfield . Tim Dos Aquas Collieries Thk lUtiuuELO Collieries, Spain Coal in Almeria . Coal in thk Philippine Islands Coalfields of New South Wales Coalfields of Australasia Smokeless Coal in New South Wales Coal in Canada The Skwanek Coal Seam, Tennessee Coal in New Mkxico Coal in the Western United States Coal in Washington Coal in Mexico Coal in Malaysia Press for Patent Fuel Explosions in Brown-Coal Briquette Factories III.—CHARCOAL. The Production of Charcoal Peat Charcoal Oven IV.—COKE. Sulphur in Coke The Physical Properties of Furnace Coke New Forms of Coke Ovens Coke Ovens in Pas de Calais Manufacture of Coke by the Cockerill Company Coke Manufactured in Spain Cokk Breeze as Fuel V.—LIQUID FUEL. The Origin of Petroleum and Natural Gas Crude American Petroleum Petroleum in the Province of Hanover Natural Hydrocarbons of Utah and Colorado Asphalt and Petroleum in Peru Discovery of Petroleum in the Transvaal VI.—NATURAL GAS. The Duration of the Natural Gas Supplies Natural Gas in China Vll VII.—ARTIFICIAL GAS. Lencauchez Producer Gas Producer Gas An Improved Producer Gas System Gas Regulating and Cut-off Valve Valve for Gas-Producbrs Regenerative Furnaces VIII.—COAL MINING. Depth of Collieries Sinking Shafts Consolidating Water-Bearing Strata Electric Windlass Coal-Cutting Machinery The Low Tension System of Shot-Firing Experiments with Explosives Products of Combustion of Explosives A New Explosive Explosives in Relation to Health Water Cartridges Boring Machine for Tapping Wastes Lignite Mining Methods of Working Thick Coal-Seams Economy in Anthracite Mining An Electric Colliery Railway Electric Haulage Plant Electric Transmission of Power in Mines Colliery Waggons Rope Haulage Locked-Coil Wire Ropes The Prevention of Winding Accidents Safety Catches in Mine Cages Communication between the Winding-Engine and the Cage Hydraulic Winding Engine Balance Rope Winding Arrangements Electric Winding Plant for Mine-Haulage The Transmission of Power in Mines Notes on Pumping Machinery Petroleum Motor for Underground Pumping Pumping Machinery at the Kladno Colliery Electricity in Mining Compound Air Compressors and Motors Ventilation of Mines Fire-damp Indicators Testing the Sensitiveness of Safety-Lamps The Thorneburry Safety-Lamp Miners' Electric Lamps Plummet foe Deep Shams COLLIEHY DePUEOIATION Saithtv in Coal Mining Fibk-Damp Explosion in Polish-Ostbau Falls of Roof in Anthbacite Mines Coal Dust and Colliery Explosions Latino the Dust in Collieries Coal-Bucket fob Loading Coal Coal Conveyor The Collieries of the Societe Cookeeill Histobt of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia IX.—COAL WASHING. Coal-Screening at Poynton Colliery Coal-Washing at Louisenthal A New Coal-Washing Plant Lignite Sefaeation by a Klonne Screen PRODUCTION OF PIG IRON. I.—BLAST FURNACE PRACTICE. The First Blast Furnaces in Ameeica Blowing-in Large Coke Blast Fubnaces Blast Furnaces of the Siegen District The Blast Furnaces of the Cockerill Company The Husqvaena Ironworks Russian Ironworks Some New American Blast Furnaces Use of Carbon Bricks in the Blast-Furnace New Forms of Bosh-Plates The Slag Tuyere in Germany New Forms of Slag Waggon American Blowing Engines The Management of Hot-Blast Stoves Experiments in Blast Furnace Gases Recovery of Ammonia feom Blast Furnace Gases II.—CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PIG IRON. American Pig Iron Crystallised Feero-Manganese Manganese in Cast-Ikon Tub Elimination of Sulphur feom Pig I eon III.—BLAST FURNACE SLAGS. The Utilisation of Blast Furnace Slag IV.—FOUNDRY PRACTICE. Chilled Castings The Use of Aluminium Moulding Machine Alloy foe Filling Ceacks in Castings The Foed Liquid Metal-Holdee The Faerel Foundry, Connecticut PRODUCTION OF MALLEABLE IRON. Ieon Smelting in Malabar Mechanical Puddling Furnace The James Furnace Gaseous Puddling The Spelngfield Ieonwoeks FORGE AND MILL MACHINERY. Screwing-Geae foe Rolling Mills The Howell Compound Two-high Mill The Bickley Hoop and Cotton-tie Mill Rolling Mill Table Rouhing Teain and Doubling Machinery The Rolling Mills of the Siegen District The Muskegon Rolling Mills Rolling Mill Appliances Hot Shear Double-headed Rotaey Sheae Heavy Cutting Sheae Punching and Shearing Machine Duplex Forging Pres