Opis: Odhams, rok ok. 1937, stron 576, okładka twarda, płócienna, stan db+ (przybrudzona okładka) Karty czyste, księga w całości, bez rozerwań, poluźnień itp ISBN Zawiera zdjęcia czarno - białe, rysunki, schematy, wkroje "The Big Book of Needlecraft aims to assist needlewomen in all branches of the craft, and every process has been described and illustrated clearly, and in detail, so as to be a help to the beginner and expert alike. Some needlewomen prefer the fascination of simple dressmaking, for in this way they can express their own personalities in the clothes they wear. Others expend their energies on the adornment of the home with new and exciting soft furnishings. The more artistic natures will choose embroidery and spend many happy hours arranging the variety of stitches in intricate patterns and gay colour schemes, whilst others will turn to the unsophisticated amusement of toy-making and felt-work. The use of the needle extends far beyond plain sewing and embroidery, even to making of fabric as in knitting and crochet." - z wstępu