Opis: EVERYMAN 1996 str. 344, okładka miękka. Stan bdb- (lekko podniszczona okładka) ISBN 'Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else.' At the heart of Dickens's bleak vision of mid-Victorian England is Coketown, where blackened mills dominate the skyline, the rivers run purple with pollution and children are numbered instead of being named. Here Gradgrind and Bounderby create their logical, heartless world, full of facts and devoid of sentiment. Into this world comes the circus — Mr Sleary's Horse-Riding - a temptation even the children of practical, rational men cannot resist. When Gradgrind catches his own children at the circus, he becomes involved with the clown's daughter, Sissy Jupe. The scene is then set for the clash of Fact and Fancy which lies at the heart of the novel. The most comprehensive paperback edition available, with original illustrations, introduction, notes, text summary, selected criticism and chronology of Dickens's life and times