Opis: Self-Paced Training Kit Exams 70-292 and 70-296 Get official, all-in-one exam prep, practice, and review for Exams 70-292 and 70-296. Microsoft 2004 stan bdb- ( podniszczona lekko okładka), CD-ROM ISBN 0-7356-1971-9 Upgrade your MCSA or MCSE certification—and your Job skills—to Windows Server 2003 with this official Microsoft study guide for Exams 70-292 and 70-296. Work at your own pace through a system of lessons, hands-on exercises, troubleshooting labs, and review questions to maximize your Performance on the Upgrade exams. The Readiness Review Suite powered by MeasureUp provides 850 challenging questions on CD for in-depth self-assessment and practice. You can choose timed or untimed testing mode, generate random tests, or focus on specific objectives. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers—including a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies. You also get expert exam tips plus a füll review section inside the book that Covers all objectives and subobjectives for both exams, including: MCSA/MCSE Exam 70-292 Implement, manage, and maintain: > Users, Computers, and groups > Access to resources > Software update Services > Remote access and Web Servers > Disaster recovery > Name resolution > Network securityfeatures MCSE Exam 70-296 Plan, implement, and maintain: > Server roles and Server security features > Network infrastructure > Server availability > Network security technologies and security infrastructure > Active Directory" infrastructure > User, Computer, and group strategies > Group Policy • NEW—Fully reengineered study guide covering two exams and two certification tracks. Includes complete objective-by-objective review plus expert exam tips. • NEW— Readiness Review Suite featuring 425 questions per exam and multiple testing options. • NEW—Case scenarios and troubleshooting labs for real-world expertise. • NEW—180-day evaluation version of Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition. • NEW—eBook in printable PDF format; Pocket PC-ready. • NEW— Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security eBook. • Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking, Second Edition eBook.